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Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. Neither the name ``Aaron Turner'' nor the name of any other contributor may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. tcpreplay IS PROVIDED BY Aaron Turner ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL Aaron Turner OR ANY OTHER CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.tcpreplay (tcpreplay) - Replay network traffic stored in pcap files USAGE: %s [ - [] | --[{=| }] ]... tcpreplay is a tool for replaying network traffic from files saved with tcpdump or other tools which write pcap(3) files. The basic operation of tcpreplay is to resend all packets from the input file(s) at the speed at which they were recorded, or a specified data rate, up to as fast as the hardware is capable. Optionally, the traffic can be split between two interfaces, written to files, filtered and edited in various ways, providing the means to test firewalls, NIDS and other network devices. For more details, please see the Tcpreplay Manual at: http://tcpreplay.synfin.net/trac/wiki/manual Quiet modeQUIETquietgtodSelect packet timing mode: select, ioport, rdtsc, gtod, nano, abstimeTIMERtimerReduce the amount of time to sleep by specified usecSLEEP_ACCELsleep-accelSpecify the RDTSC clicks/usecRDTSC_CLICKSrdtsc-clicksPrint decoded packets via tcpdump to STDOUTVERBOSEverboseArguments passed to tcpdump decoderDECODEdecode Enable caching of packets to internal memoryENABLE_FILE_CACHEenable-file-cacheSplit traffic via a tcpprep cache fileCACHEFILEcachefileServer/primary traffic output interfaceINTF1intf1Client/secondary traffic output interfaceINTF2intf2List available network interfaces and exitLISTNICSlistnicsLoop through the capture file X timesLOOPloopOverride the snaplen and use the actual packet lenPKTLENpktlenLimit the number of packets to sendLIMITlimitModify replay speed to a given multipleMULTIPLIERmultiplierReplay packets at a given packets/secPPSppsReplay packets at a given MbpsMBPSmbpsReplay packets as fast as possibleTOPSPEEDtopspeedReplay one packet at a time for each user inputONEATATIMEoneatatimeNumber of packets to send for each time intervalPPS_MULTIpps-multiPrint the PID of tcpreplay at startupPIDpidPrint version informationVERSIONversionDisplay less usage information and exitLESS_HELPless-helpDisplay usage information and exithelpExtended usage information passed thru pagermore-helpSave the option state to a config filesave-optsLoad options from a config fileLOAD_OPTSno-load-optsnoExceeded number of packets in cache file.check_cache() returned an error. Aborting...**** Next packet #%llu out %s. How many packets do you wish to send? Fatal Error: Unable to clear non-blocking flag on stdin: %s Fatal Error: Error reading user input from stdin: %s Fatal Error: Unable to process user input for fd %d: %s Fatal Error: Error gettimeofday: %s Warning: Packet #%llu has gone back in time! Fatal Error: Unknown/supported speed mode: %d Fatal Error: Unknown timer mode %d Warning: Unable to send packet: %s Fatal Error: %s send_packets.coptions.speed.mode != 4Sending packet %llu out: %s do_sleepget_next_packetD>(knNWarning: continue_handler() got the wrong signal: %d Fatal Error: gettimeofday(): %s Warning: suspend_handler() got the wrong signal: %d not configured with --enable-debug. Debugging disabled.tcpreplay not compiled with select supporttcpreplay not compiled with IO Port 0x80 supporttcpreplay only supports absolute time on Apple OS X Fatal Error: Unsupported timer mode: %s --pktlen may cause problems. Use with caution. Fatal Error: Invalid interface name/alias: %s Fatal Error: Can't open %s: %s Fatal Error: DLT type missmatch for %s (%s) and %s (%s) Warning: Unable to set STDERR to non-blocking: %s Warning: unable to close stdin: %s Fatal Error: Error opening pcap file: %s Warning: %s DLT (%s) does not match that of the outbound interface: %s (%s) Fatal Error: gettimeofday() failed: %s Warning: %s tcpreplay.cselectrdtscioportgtodnanoabstimesending out %s %sprocessing file: %sFile Cache is enabledpost_argsinitmainPlatform does not support IO Port for timingWarning: Fatal Error: cache.ccachedatapacketid must be > 0out_filetcpprep Fatal Error: Only wrote %zu of %zu bytes of the cache file header! %s Fatal Error: Only wrote %zu of %zu bytes of the comment! %s Fatal Error: Only wrote %zu of %i bytes to cache file! Fatal Error: unable to open %s:%s Fatal Error: unable to read from %s:%s, Fatal Error: Cache file %s doesn't contain a full header Fatal Error: Unable to process %s: not a tcpprep cache file Fatal Error: Unable to process %s: cache file version missmatch Fatal Error: Unable to read %d bytes of data for the comment (%zu) %s Fatal Error: Cache data length (%ld bytes) doesn't match cache header (%llu bytes) check_cacheadd_cachenew_cachewrite_cachewrite_cacheread_cacheget.cexthdrip_hdrpktdatadatalen*newbuffip6_hdrUnable to convert addr to a stringWarning: Unable to convert 0x%x to a string Warning: Expected dotted-quad notation (%s) when DNS lookups are disabled Fatal Error: Unable to process unsupported DLT type: %s (0x%x) HHH8(H(H:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::h8h((hhget_addr2name6get_addr2name4get_ipv6_nextget_layer4_v6get_layer4_v4get_ipv6get_ipv4get_l2lenget_l2protocol Fatal Error: Unable to gettimeofday(): %s Actual: %llu packets (%llu bytes) sent in %.02f seconds Rated: %.1f bps, %.2f Mbps, %.2f pps %llu write attempts failed from full buffers and were repeated ERROR in %s:%s() line %d: Unable to call free on a NULL ptrERROR in %s:%s() line %d: Unable to strdup() %zu bytes ERROR in %s:%s() line %d: Unable to malloc() %zu bytesERROR: in %s:%s() line %d: Unable to remalloc() buffer to %zu bytes Fatal Error: Invalid hex string byte: %s Hex buffer too small for data- skipping datautils.cHex buffer must be > 0%xread_hexstring{Gz?_A5$tI2375PF_PACKET send()sendpacket.cdeviceerrbufsocket: %sioctl: %sbind error: %serror opening %s: %sSO_BROADCAST: %s Warning: Unable to get DLT value for %s: %s Unable to get hardware address on un-opened sendpacket handleUnable to open dummy socket for get_hwaddr: %sError getting hardware address: %sLibnet is no longer supported!Statistics for network device: %s Attempted packets: %llu Successful packets: %llu Failed packets: %llu Retried packets (ENOBUFS): %llu Retried packets (EAGAIN): %llu Error getting hardware type: %sWarning: Unsupported physical layer type 0x%04x on %s. Maybe it works, maybe it wont. See tickets #123/318 Error with %s [%llu]: %s (errno = %d)Only able to write %d bytes out of %u bytes totalsendpacket_geterrsendpacket_get_hwaddrsendpacket_seterrsendpacket_closesendpacket_closesendpacket_getstatsendpacket_opensendpacket_open_pfsendpacketNo network interfaces availableMay need to run as root to get complete list.Available network interfaces: Fatal Error: Error: %s interface.c%%%daliasget_interface_listget_interfaceget_interfaceUsing user specification of %llu MhzUsing guessimate of %llu Mhz Fatal Error: [parent] Error in waitpid: %s tcpdump process already running Fatal Error: Unable to execute tcpdump binary: %s Fatal Error: Unable to create stdin socket pair: %s Fatal Error: Unable to create stdout socket pair: %s Fatal Error: Fork failed: %s Warning: [parent] pcap_dump_fopen(): %s Warning: [parent] Unable to fcntl tcpreplay socket: %s Warning: [parent] Unable to fnctl stdout socket: %s Fatal Error: [child] Unable to copy socket to stdin: %s Fatal Error: [child] Unable to copy socket to stdout: %s Fatal Error: Unable to exec tcpdump: %s Fatal Error: Error during poll() to write to tcpdump %s poll() timeout... tcpdump seems to be having a problem keeping up Try increasing TCPDUMP_POLL_TIMEOUT Fatal Error: Error writing pcap file header to tcpdump %s Fatal Error: Error writing packet data to tcpdump %s Fatal Error: Error reading tcpdump decode: %s tcpdump.cpcap/usr/sbin/tcpdump -n -l -r -wpkthdrtcpdump_opentcpdump_fill_in_optionstcpdump_printgetifaddrs: %sStatistics aren't available from a pcap_open_dead pcap_tSetting direction is not implemented on this platformThat device doesn't support promiscuous modeLoop terminated by pcap_breakloopThe pcap_t has not been activatedThe setting can't be changed after the pcap_t is activatedThat device doesn't support monitor modeThat operation is supported only in monitor modeYou don't have permission to capture on that device%s is not one of the DLTs supported by this deviceDLT %d is not one of the DLTs supported by this devicecan't perform operation on activated captureRFC 2625 IP-over-Fibre ChannelJuniper Multi-Link Frame RelayJuniper Encryption Services PIC802.11 plus AVS radio information headerPPP for pppd, with direction flagEthernet with Endace ERF headerPacket-over-SONET with Endace ERF headerArinc 653 Interpartition CommunicationBluetooth HCI UART transport layerIEEE 802.16 MAC Common Part SublayerController Area Network (CAN) v. 2.0BIEEE 802.15.4 with Linux paddingIEEE 802.16 MAC Common Part Sublayer plus radiotap headerJuniper Integrated Service ModuleEthernet with u10 Networks pseudo-headerDLT_BLUETOOTH_HCI_H4_WITH_PHDRBluetooth HCI UART transport layer plus pseudo-headerIEEE 802.15.4 with non-ASK PHY dataGeneric warningGeneric errorNo such device existsThat device is not upUnknown error: %datexit failedF_GETFL: %sF_SETFL: %s%s: %s malloc: %sDLT_NULLDLT_EN10MBDLT_IEEE802Token ringDLT_ARCNETBSD ARCNETDLT_SLIPDLT_PPPDLT_FDDIDLT_ATM_RFC1483RFC 1483 LLC-encapsulated ATMDLT_RAWRaw IPDLT_SLIP_BSDOSBSD/OS SLIPDLT_PPP_BSDOSBSD/OS PPPDLT_ATM_CLIPLinux Classical IP-over-ATMDLT_PPP_SERIALPPP over serialDLT_PPP_ETHERDLT_SYMANTEC_FIREWALLSymantec FirewallDLT_C_HDLCCisco HDLCDLT_IEEE802_11802.11DLT_FRELAYDLT_LOOPOpenBSD loopbackDLT_ENCOpenBSD encapsulated IPDLT_LINUX_SLLLinux cookedDLT_LTALKLocaltalkDLT_PFLOGOpenBSD pflog fileDLT_PRISM_HEADER802.11 plus Prism headerDLT_IP_OVER_FCDLT_SUNATMSun raw ATMDLT_IEEE802_11_RADIO802.11 plus radiotap headerDLT_ARCNET_LINUXLinux ARCNETDLT_JUNIPER_MLPPPJuniper Multi-Link PPPDLT_JUNIPER_MLFRDLT_JUNIPER_ESDLT_JUNIPER_GGSNJuniper GGSN PICDLT_JUNIPER_MFRJuniper FRF.16 Frame RelayDLT_JUNIPER_ATM2Juniper ATM2 PICDLT_JUNIPER_SERVICESJuniper Advanced Services PICDLT_JUNIPER_ATM1Juniper ATM1 PICDLT_APPLE_IP_OVER_IEEE1394Apple IP-over-IEEE 1394DLT_MTP2_WITH_PHDRSS7 MTP2 with Pseudo-headerDLT_MTP2SS7 MTP2DLT_MTP3SS7 MTP3DLT_SCCPSS7 SCCPDLT_DOCSISDLT_LINUX_IRDALinux IrDADLT_IEEE802_11_RADIO_AVSDLT_JUNIPER_MONITORJuniper Passive Monitor PICDLT_PPP_PPPDDLT_JUNIPER_PPPOEJuniper PPPoEDLT_JUNIPER_PPPOE_ATMJuniper PPPoE/ATMDLT_GPRS_LLCGPRS LLCDLT_GPF_TGPF-TDLT_GPF_FGPF-FDLT_JUNIPER_PIC_PEERJuniper PIC PeerDLT_ERF_ETHDLT_ERF_POSDLT_LINUX_LAPDLinux vISDN LAPDDLT_JUNIPER_ETHERJuniper EthernetDLT_JUNIPER_PPPJuniper PPPDLT_JUNIPER_FRELAYJuniper Frame RelayDLT_JUNIPER_CHDLCJuniper C-HDLCDLT_MFRDLT_JUNIPER_VPJuniper Voice PICDLT_A429Arinc 429DLT_A653_ICMDLT_USBDLT_BLUETOOTH_HCI_H4DLT_IEEE802_16_MAC_CPSDLT_USB_LINUXUSB with Linux headerDLT_CAN20BDLT_IEEE802_15_4_LINUXDLT_PPIPer-Packet InformationDLT_IEEE802_16_MAC_CPS_RADIODLT_JUNIPER_ISMDLT_IEEE802_15_4IEEE 802.15.4DLT_SITASITA pseudo-headerDLT_ERFEndace ERF headerDLT_RAIF1DLT_IPMBDLT_JUNIPER_STJuniper Secure TunnelDLT_AX25_KISSAX.25 with KISS headerDLT_IEEE802_15_4_NONASK_PHY777777777B777libpcap version 1.0.0  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~%s: no IPv4 address assignedSIOCGIFADDR: %s: %sSIOCGIFNETMASK: %s: %sinet class for 0x%x unknownno suitable device foundtoo many registers needed to evaluate expressionlibpcap was compiled on a machine without pf supportlibpcap was compiled without pf supportsnaplen of 0 rejects all packetssyntax error in filter expressionexpression rejects all packetssio value %u too big; max value = 255opc value %u too big; max value = 16383dpc value %u too big; max value = 16383sls value %u too big; max value = 15frame direction supported only with 802.11 headers802.11 link-layer types supported only on 802.11ARCnet address used in non-arc expressionno VLAN support for data link type %d'vpi' supported only on raw ATM'vci' supported only on raw ATM'callref' supported only on raw ATM'metac' supported only on raw ATM'bcc' supported only on raw ATM'oam4sc' supported only on raw ATM'oam4ec' supported only on raw ATM'sc' supported only on raw ATM'ilmic' supported only on raw ATM'lane' supported only on raw ATM'llc' supported only on raw ATM'oam' supported only on raw ATM'oamf4' supported only on raw ATM'connectmsg' supported only on raw ATM'metaconnect' supported only on raw ATMethernet addresses supported only on ethernet/FDDI/token ring/802.11/ATM LANE/Fibre Channelethernet address used in non-ether expressionunsupported protocol over mplsMulti-link Frame Relay link-layer type filtering not implementedIrDA link-layer type filtering not implementedDOCSIS link-layer type filtering not implementedMTP2 link-layer type filtering not implementedERF link-layer type filtering not implementedLAPD link-layer type filtering not implementedUSB link-layer type filtering not implementedBluetooth link-layer type filtering not implementedCAN20B link-layer type filtering not implementedIEEE 802.15.4 link-layer type filtering not implementedIEEE 802.16 link-layer type filtering not implementedSITA link-layer type filtering not implementedRAIF1 link-layer type filtering not implementedIPMB link-layer type filtering not implementedAX.25 link-layer type filtering not implemented'ip' modifier applied to ip6 %s'rarp' modifier applied to ip6 %s'arp' modifier applied to ip6 %sATALK host filtering not implementedAARP host filtering not implemented'decnet' modifier applied to ip6 %sSCA host filtering not implementedLAT host filtering not implementedMOPDL host filtering not implementedMOPRC host filtering not implemented'icmp6' modifier applied to %sISO host filtering not implementedIPX host filtering not implemented'netbeui' modifier applied to %s'radio' modifier applied to %s%s resolved to multiple addressnon-network bits set in "%s/%d"invalid qualifier against IPv6 addressno MPLS support for data link type %donly link-layer/IP broadcast filters supported'ip6' modifier applied to ip hostnon-network bits set in "%s mask %s"arp does not encapsulate another protocolrarp does not encapsulate another protocolatalk encapsulation is not specifiabledecnet encapsulation is not specifiablesca does not encapsulate another protocollat does not encapsulate another protocolmoprc does not encapsulate another protocolmopdl does not encapsulate another protocollink layer applied in wrong context'radio' is not a valid protocol typelink-layer multicast filters supported only on ethernet/FDDI/token ring/ARCNET/802.11/ATM LANE/Fibre Channelbad protocol applied for 'protochain''protochain' not supported with 802.11unsupported proto to gen_protochainillegal qualifier of 'portrange'unknown Fibre Channel host '%s'only ethernet/FDDI/token ring/802.11/ATM LANE/Fibre Channel supports link-level host name'gateway' not supported in this configurationradio information not present in captureIPv6 upper-layer protocol is not supported by proto[x]inbound/outbound not supported on linktype %dout of memoryunknown ip proto '%s'unknown ether proto '%s'esisisisclnpunknown osi proto '%s'unknown data link type %d'sio' supported only on SS7'opc' supported only on SS7'dpc' supported only on SS7'sls' supported only on SS7aid supported only on ARCnetno VLAN match after MPLS'fisu' supported only on MTP2'lssu' supported only on MTP2'msu' supported only on MTP2host'sctp' modifier applied to %s'tcp' modifier applied to %s'udp' modifier applied to %s'icmp' modifier applied to %s'igmp' modifier applied to %s'igrp' modifier applied to %s'pim' modifier applied to %s'vrrp' modifier applied to %s'ah' modifier applied to %s'esp' modifier applied to %s'esis' modifier applied to %s'isis' modifier applied to %s'clnp' modifier applied to %s'stp' modifier applied to %sno mask %s supportedinvalid ip6 address %smask length must be <= %uMask syntax for networks onlynot a broadcast linkmask length must be <= 32direction applied to 'proto''udp proto' is bogus'tcp proto' is bogus'sctp proto' is bogus'icmp proto' is bogus'igmp proto' is bogus'igrp proto' is bogus'pim proto' is bogus'vrrp proto' is bogus'icmp6 proto' is bogus'ah proto' is bogus'stp proto' is bogus'ipx proto' is bogus'netbeui proto' is bogus'radio proto' is bogusillegal link layer addressillegal qualifier of 'port''gateway' requires a nameunknown network '%s'unknown ether host '%s'unknown FDDI host '%s'unknown token ring host '%s'unknown 802.11 host '%s'unknown host '%s' for specified address familyunknown host '%s'%sunknown port '%s'port '%s' is tcpport '%s' is sctpport '%s' is udpunknown port in range '%s'port in range '%s' is tcpport in range '%s' is sctpport in range '%s' is udpunknown protocol: %sdata size must be 1, 2, or 4unsupported index operationRhRRQQQQQQQQQQQQQQRQQQQQQQMVzVzTzTzTzTVY!ZNZ{ZZ]UzTzTZ[zTzTZzTzTzTzTzTzTzTzTzTzTzTzTzTzTzTzTzTzTzTzTzTzTzTzTzTzTzTzTzTzTNZ/[zTzTzTzTzTzTzTzTzTzTzTzTzTzTzTzTzTzTzTzTzTzTzTzTzTzTzTzTzTzTzTzTzTzTzTzTzTzTzTzTzTzTzTzTzTzTzThYzTzTzTzTNZUzT]UMVYzTzTzT;Y]UzTzTzTzTUzTzTKXxXzTzTzTUzTX\[\[[[\[[\=\j\\YzTzTTTzTzTzTzTzTzTzTzTzTzTzTzTzTzTzTzTzTzTU3WzTNZ`WWzTzTzTzTzTzTzTzTT`W\[\[\[W VzTzTTTzTTTTUTWTTVTT VTXzTzTzTzTzTzTzTzTzTzTzTzTTHfeeeef0fPn0nnPnmooooHopp`pp(pq`q@qqqPr@r rPrqPt0ttPts zzy zyh~~~(~0`Php Hx@Xx 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supported on savefilestruncated dump file; tried to read %lu file header bytes, only got %luCan't write to %s: %sstreamstandard outputerror reading dump file: %sbogus savefile headerBUFMOD hack mallocout of swapbad dump file formatarchaic file format cc d efghhj2233iikkllqqrrssuuvvwwxxyyzz{{||}}~~0000800005555555x5n2n2n2n2h5n2n2n2n2n2n2n2X5@52n2n2n2n2n2853n2n25n2n2n254n2n24n2n2n244n2n22n2n2n24p4n2n2n2n2n2n2P4@4n2n24n2n2n243n2n23n2n2n233n2n2p3n2n2n2`3n2n2n2n2n2n2n2X3n2n2n2H383n2n2(3n2n2n2n2n2n2n23n2n2n2n2n2n2n23n2n2n2n2n2n2n22n2n2n222n2n22n2n22n2n2n2n2n2n2n2n2n2n2n2n2n2n2n2n2n2n2n2n2n2n2n2n2n2n2n2n2n2n2n2n2n2n2n2n2n2n2n2n2n22bogus IPv6 address %sbogus ethernet address %sillegal token: %sillegal char '%c'input in flex scanner failedout of dynamic memory in pcap_ensure_buffer_stack()out of dynamic memory in pcap__scan_buffer()out of dynamic memory in pcap__scan_bytes()bad buffer in pcap__scan_bytes()out of dynamic memory in pcap__create_buffer()fatal flex scanner internal error--end of buffer missedfatal error - scanner input buffer overflowout of dynamic memory in yy_get_next_buffer()fatal flex scanner internal error--no action foundULEL:LuTuTMMMMMM0L&LGGGGuGeGUGEG5G%GGGFFFFTTTT5E%EEEDDDDDDDDuDeDUDED5D%DDDCCCCCCCCuCeCUCJCBC:C2C*C"CCC CCBBBBBMJ=J-JJ JIIIIIIII}IlIbIkTkTI IIHH@HHHHHHHcHAHGLK{KeKOK9K#K KJJJJJJsJ]JMMLLLLL}L{MeMOM-MBMM-IEEF   !"#$%&'()*+,-./012345fffggggppgggggjn@prlikhm!"XARAnqqprprrr@M6d#*CK$`a-BNcZbe%) UTqpsrrrrr=(&^, J;_.G/'Y[4Fqqqqqprrrsrrrrrr789:S LO1qqqprrrsrrsrrrrrrrrrr]CHI\qqqqqqprrrrrsrrrrsrrrrrr3<D+PQ5qqprrrrrrsrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrutEqqqqprrrrrrrsrrrrsrrrrsrrrrrrrr>6z?0prrrrrrrrrsrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrV2ooqqprrrrrrrorrsrrrrsrrrrsrrrrsrrrrrrrrrWooqoorrrrrrrrrrrrosrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrwqprrrrrrrrrrrsrrrrsrrrrsrrrrsrrrrsrrrrrrrrry}orrrrrrrrrrrrrrrsrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrv~rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr{xrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr|rrrrrrrrrrrr214444446DKJ]K 88<>BEKR^?mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm 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Please adjust manually. Hint: This can't happen with Linux >= 2.2.0. Can't restore interface flags (SIOCSIFFLAGS failed: %s). Please adjust manually. Hint: This can't happen with Linux >= 2.2.0. Promiscuous mode not supported on the "any" devicearptype %d not supported by libpcap - falling back to cooked socketcan't get TPACKET_V2 header len on socket %d: %d-%scan't activate TPACKET_V2 on socket %d: %d-%scan't set up reserve on socket %d: %d-%scan't create rx ring on packet socket %d: %d-%ssetfilter: No filter specifiedWarning: Kernel filter failed: %s Sending packets isn't supported on the "any" deviceSending packets isn't supported in cooked modeinject not supported on USB devicesCan't read stats from fd %d:%s Can't get USB bus index from %sCan't open USB bus file %s: %sCan't parse USB bus message '%s', too few tokens (expected 8 got %d)Can't get timestamp for message '%s' %d:%sCan't parse USB bus message '%s', too few tokens (expected 5 got %d)Can't parse urb length from '%s'Can't open USB stats file %s: %sCan't read from fd %d: %sCan't mfetch fd %d: %susb%d/dev/usbmon%d/sys/kernel/debug/usbmon/%dt%x %d %c %c%c:%d:%d %s%n%s %s %s %s %s%n %d%n %cCan't parse urb tag from '%s'/sys/kernel/debug/usbmon/%dsCan't read stats from fd %d nreaders/proc/bus/usbUSB bus number %dThe %s option: -%c, %%-%ds%s malloc of %d bytes failed %-18s %d \ \'#x%02X;set-membershipkeywordfalsetrue<%s/> <%s type=nested> VERSIONOPT_ARG_NEEDED=YESOPT_ARG_NEEDED=OKLONGUSAGEOPT_ARG_NEEDED=NOoption/tmp/use.%luwbPAGERmoreINVALID-%d*/%s_%s_TEXT='rb'\''' typeset -x -i %s_=%1$lu # 0x%1$lX set -- ' OPTION_CT=0 .*AUTOOPTS_USAGEgnuautoopts [arg]--> | SHELL/bin/sh%A %B %e, %Y at %r %Z#! %s flag env | grep '^%s_' PATHrx%s%sYMWDInvalid time duration: %s [%s]%s/%s# POSIXLY_CORRECTwordsmembersuncookedkeepinvalidsetnestedintegerboolstringbooleanhierarchy)ܶѶmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmппппппппmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm #V3]                                                         5 ttqtMtts=ss@((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((@ (((((((((((((((((((((((((((AO_CURRENT.AO_REVISION%s WARNING: cannot save options - <%s/> <%s type=%s><%1$s type=integer>0x%2$lX <%1$s type=boolean>%2$s <%s>&amp;<lt;>gt;"quot;'apos; export %s_%s_%d %s_%s_%d=%1$s_%2$s_CT=%3$d export %1$s_%2$s_CT %1$s_%2$s_MODE='%3$s' export %1$s_%2$s_MODE %1$s_%2$s='%3$s' export %1$s_%2$s export %s_%s %s_%s=%1$s_%2$s=%3$s export %1$s_%2$s %1$s_%2$s=%3$d # 0x%3$X export %1$s_%2$s OPTION_CT=%d export OPTION_CT %1$s /tmp/use.%2$lu ; rm -f /tmp/use.%2$lu OPT_PROCESS=true OPT_ARG="$1" while ${OPT_PROCESS} && [ $# -gt 0 ] do OPT_ELEMENT='' OPT_ARG_VAL='' case "${OPT_ARG}" in -- ) OPT_PROCESS=false shift ;; --* ) OPT_CODE=`echo "X${OPT_ARG}"|sed 's/^X-*//'` shift OPT_ARG="$1" case "${OPT_CODE}" in *=* ) OPT_ARG_VAL=`echo "${OPT_CODE}"|sed 's/^[^=]*=//'` OPT_CODE=`echo "${OPT_CODE}"|sed 's/=.*$//'` ;; esac case "${OPT_ARG_NEEDED}" in NO ) OPT_ARG_VAL='' ;; YES ) if [ -z "${OPT_ARG_VAL}" ] then if [ $# -eq 0 ] then echo No argument provided for ${OPT_NAME} option >&2 echo "$%s_USAGE_TEXT" exit 1 fi OPT_ARG_VAL="${OPT_ARG}" shift OPT_ARG="$1" fi ;; OK ) if [ -z "${OPT_ARG_VAL}" ] && [ $# -gt 0 ] then case "${OPT_ARG}" in -* ) ;; * ) OPT_ARG_VAL="${OPT_ARG}" shift OPT_ARG="$1" ;; esac fi ;; esac ;; * ) OPT_PROCESS=false ;; esac OPT_ARG="$1" while [ $# -gt 0 ] do OPT_ELEMENT='' OPT_ARG_VAL='' OPT_ARG="${1}" -* ) OPT_CODE=`echo "X${OPT_ARG}" | sed 's/X-\(.\).*/\1/'` OPT_ARG=` echo "X${OPT_ARG}" | sed 's/X-.//'` case "${OPT_ARG_NEEDED}" in NO ) if [ -n "${OPT_ARG}" ] then OPT_ARG=-"${OPT_ARG}" else shift OPT_ARG="$1" fi ;; YES ) if [ -n "${OPT_ARG}" ] then OPT_ARG_VAL="${OPT_ARG}" else if [ $# -eq 0 ] then echo No argument provided for ${OPT_NAME} option >&2 echo "$%s_USAGE_TEXT" exit 1 fi shift OPT_ARG_VAL="$1" fi shift OPT_ARG="$1" ;; OK ) if [ -n "${OPT_ARG}" ] then OPT_ARG_VAL="${OPT_ARG}" shift OPT_ARG="$1" else shift if [ $# -gt 0 ] then case "$1" in -* ) ;; * ) OPT_ARG_VAL="$1" shift ;; esac OPT_ARG="$1" fi fi ;; esac if [ -n "${OPT_ARG_VAL}" ] then eval %1$s_${OPT_NAME}${OPT_ELEMENT}="'${OPT_ARG_VAL}'" export %1$s_${OPT_NAME}${OPT_ELEMENT} fi done unset OPT_PROCESS || : unset OPT_ELEMENT || : unset OPT_ARG || : unset OPT_ARG_NEEDED || : unset OPT_NAME || : unset OPT_CODE || : unset OPT_ARG_VAL || : %2$s # # # # # # # # # # # # END OF AUTOMATED OPTION PROCESSING # # # # # # # # # # # -- do not modify this marker -- # # # # # # # # # # -- do not modify this marker -- # # DO NOT EDIT THIS SECTION%s OF %s # # From here to the next `-- do not modify this marker --', # the text has been generated %s # From the %s option definitions # stdout if test -z "${%1$s_%2$s}" then %1$s_%2$s_CT=0 else %1$s_%2$s_CT=1 %1$s_%2$s_1="${%1$s_%2$s}" fi export %1$s_%2$s_CT %1$s_%2$s="${%1$s_%2$s-'%3$s'}" %1$s_%2$s_set=false export %1$s_%2$s %1$s_%2$s="${%1$s_%2$s}" %1$s_%2$s_set=false export %1$s_%2$s case "${OPT_CODE}" in * ) echo Unknown %s: "${OPT_CODE}" >&2 echo "$%s_USAGE_TEXT" exit 1 ;; esac echo "$%s_%s_TEXT" exit 0 echo "$%s_LONGUSAGE_TEXT" | ${PAGER-more} exit 0 %s if [ -n "${%1$s_%2$s}" ] && ${%1$s_%2$s_set} ; then echo Error: duplicate %2$s option >&2 echo "$%1$s_USAGE_TEXT" exit 1 ; fi %1$s_%2$s_set=true OPT_NAME='%2$s' if [ $%1$s_%2$s_CT -ge %3$d ] ; then echo Error: more than %3$d %2$s options >&2 echo "$%1$s_USAGE_TEXT" exit 1 ; fi %1$s_%2$s_CT=`expr ${%1$s_%2$s_CT} + 1` OPT_ELEMENT="_${%1$s_%2$s_CT}" OPT_NAME='%2$s' eval %1$s_%2$s${OPT_ELEMENT}=true export %1$s_%2$s${OPT_ELEMENT} OPT_ARG_NEEDED=NO eval %1$s_%2$s${OPT_ELEMENT}=true export %1$s_%2$s${OPT_ELEMENT} OPT_ARG_NEEDED=OK OPT_ARG_NEEDED=YES ;; '%s' ) '%s' | \ if [ -n "${%1$s_%2$s}" ] && ${%1$s_%2$s_set} ; then echo Error: duplicate %2$s option >&2 echo "$%1$s_USAGE_TEXT" exit 1 ; fi %1$s_%2$s_set=true %1$s_%2$s='%3$s' export %1$s_%2$s OPT_NAME='%2$s' %1$s_%2$s_CT=0 OPT_ELEMENT='' %1$s_%2$s='%3$s' export %1$s_%2$s OPT_NAME='%2$s' '%c' ) := ,|+ *INVALID*     AutoOpts function called without option descriptor This exceeds the compiled library version: Automated Options Processing Error! %s called AutoOpts function with structure version %d:%d:%d. This is less than the minimum library version: Automated Options version %s copyright (c) 1999-2008 Bruce Korb - all rights reserved all - an alternate for %s %s error: the keyword `%s' is ambiguous for %s %s: ambiguous option -- %s %s: Command line arguments required %d %s%s options allowed version and help options:Error %d (%s) from the pipe(2) syscall ERROR: version option argument '%c' invalid. Use: 'v' - version only 'c' - version and copyright 'n' - version and copyright notice ERROR: %s option conflicts with the %s option %s(optionSaveState): error: cannot allocate %d bytes - default option for unnamed options - disabled as --%s - enabled by default -equivalenceERROR: only - examining environment variables named %s_* Options are specified by doubled hyphens and their name or by a single hyphen and the flag character. %%-%ds %%s fs error %d (%s) on fork - cannot obtain %s usage File error %d (%s) opening %s for loading options fs error %d (%s) reading file %s fs error %d (%s) on %s %s for option %s stat-ing for directorystat-ing for regular filestat-ing for non-existant fileopen-ing filefopen-ing file - file must not pre-exist - file must pre-exist = = = = = = = = This incarnation of genshell will produce a shell script to parse the options for %s: %s =Cplx[=arg]--%2$s%1$s%s: illegal option -- %c %s: illegal option -- %s illegal or an integer from %d through %d AutoOpts ERROR: invalid option descriptor for %s or an integer mask with any of the lower %d bits set - is a set membership option %s: option `%s' requires an argument Equivalenced option '%s' was equivalenced to both '%s' and '%s' - must appear between %d and %d times ERROR: The %s option is required %s: option `%s' cannot have an argument %s: Command line arguments not allowed error %d (%s) creating %s Options are specified by single or double hyphens and their name. %s error: `%s' does not match any %s keywords - may appear multiple times - may not be preset The 'reset-option' option requires an argument Arg Option-Name Description Flg Arg Option-Name Description error %d (%s) stat-ing %s %s(optionRestore): error: no saved option state none'%s' not defined ERROR: The %s option must appear %d times error: cannot load options from non-regular file %s %s error: `%s' is not a recognizable number %3s %sThe '-#' option may omit the hash char one %s%s option allowed All arguments are named options. - reading file %s please send bug reports to: %s - may NOT appear - preset only # preset/initialization file # %s# The following option preset mechanisms are supported: programprohibits these options: Operands and options may be intermixed. They will be reordered. %s%ld to %ld%sgreater than or equal to %ld%sIt must lie in one of the ranges: %sThis option must lie in one of the ranges: %sit must be: , or %s error: %s option value ``%s'' is out of range. %s%ld exactly%sis scalable with a suffix: k/K/m/M/g/G/t/T %sless than or equal to %ldThe --reset-option has not been configured. ERROR: %s option requires the %s option %3s %-14s %srequires these options: Arg Option-Name Req? Description Flg Arg Option-Name Req? Description -_^or you may use a numeric representation. Preceding these with a '!' will clear the bits, specifying 'none' will clear all bits, and 'all' will set them all. Multiple entries may be passed as an option argument list. %s T/F %s %sFilKWdMbrTimCpxno NumoptYESStr - -- and %s - may appear up to %d times The valid "%s" option keywords are: GENSHELLOPTgenshellopt copyright (c) 1999-2007 Bruce Korb, all rights reservedgenshellopt is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. genshellopt is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see .genshellopt - Generate Shell Option Processing Script - Ver. 1genshellopt - Generate Shell Option Processing Script - Ver. 1 USAGE: %s [ - [] | --[{=| }] ]... Note that `shell' is only useful if the output file does not already exist. If it does, then the shell name and optional first argument will be extracted from the script file. If the script file already exists and contains Automated Option Processing text, the second line of the file through the ending tag will be replaced by the newly generated text. The first `#!' line will be regenerated. autogen-users@lists.sourceforge.netLONGUSAGEUSAGEVERSIONOutput Script FileSCRIPTscriptShell name (follows "#!" magic)SHELLno-shellnoOutput version information and exitversionDisplay usage information and exithelpExtended usage information passed thru pagermore-helpstrdup of %d byte string failed realloc of %d bytes at 0x%p failed echo 'Warning: Cannot load options files' >&2echo 'Warning: Cannot save options files' >&2echo 'Warning: Cannot suppress the loading of options files' >&2AutoOpts lib error: defaulted to option with optional arg /;8TXtؐHzR| eNB \<܍-AB E\EAB E|AB ZAB CP=AD A3aőБۑSm   .6 =LXfq~23ǒݒchiՔk&/l@Hm`nq{ruw֓Lz{->K]tlƔ6GXsÕ̕Օޕ .B^؎k}ɖӖٖ'6GYjzΗΔ֗ Hp4KYoz͘Dݘ 2h<@ETjxftssss` `ssss s s0s0s@s@sPsPsst tt%t,t#t*t;tCtGtYtKtRtftot t0t@]tPtt`tptbtkt{tttttnnnn!sptv~nnn n n n n n n n n n n  n n /; 8 ^o  0Hohoo^8~Λޛ.>N^n~Μޜ.>N^n~Νޝ.>N^n~Ξޞ.>N^n~Οޟ.>N^n~Πޠ.>N^n~Ρޡ.>N^n~΢ޢ.>N^n~TX`b```\f@gg _qq iiiTT ii&j,j PП@jujj PПjjjvv j kkAA k@kdkkkKK tkkkkcc kll i i  lHlNl I I Tl`lll  `lll l l Plm m  mSmZmLL Pmmmxx mmnnpp P nП@nfnjnMM pnnnntt nno ooo o@opo{o PoPoooPP p&p*pVV .pHpPphh p`pppHPpp!p q qGq@9`qqqqq+/3݆~75<C`I`O`V`Z`^8h[m\sy7><B1.0.0  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~=T/F=KWd=file=Mbr=Tim=num=strԵe?[۷dʸ &3ApvݹOq˺&Aɻ)\ܼHk׽Jk׾IN`¿(*Cex$>IWGrvQT[_gkosw{ @`#oo ssv$? @c!GCC: (GNU) 4.3.2 20081105 (Red Hat 4.3.2-7)GCC: (GNU) 4.3.2 20081105 (Red Hat 4.3.2-7)GCC: (GNU) 4.3.2 20081105 (Red Hat 4.3.2-7)GCC: (GNU) 4.3.2 20081105 (Red Hat 4.3.2-7)GCC: (GNU) 4.3.2 20081105 (Red Hat 4.3.2-7)GCC: (GNU) 4.3.2 20081105 (Red Hat 4.3.2-7)GCC: (GNU) 4.3.2 20081105 (Red Hat 4.3.2-7)GCC: (GNU) 4.3.2 20081105 (Red Hat 4.3.2-7)GCC: (GNU) 4.3.2 20081105 (Red Hat 4.3.2-7)GCC: (GNU) 4.3.2 20081105 (Red Hat 4.3.2-7)GCC: (GNU) 4.3.2 20081105 (Red Hat 4.3.2-7)GCC: (GNU) 4.3.2 20081105 (Red Hat 4.3.2-7)GCC: (GNU) 4.3.2 20081105 (Red Hat 4.3.2-7)GCC: (GNU) 4.3.2 20081105 (Red Hat 4.3.2-7)GCC: (GNU) 4.3.2 20081105 (Red Hat 4.3.2-7)GCC: (GNU) 4.3.2 20081105 (Red Hat 4.3.2-7)GCC: (GNU) 4.3.2 20081105 (Red Hat 4.3.2-7)GCC: (GNU) 4.3.2 20081105 (Red Hat 4.3.2-7)GCC: (GNU) 4.3.2 20081105 (Red Hat 4.3.2-7)GCC: (GNU) 4.3.2 20081105 (Red Hat 4.3.2-7)GCC: (GNU) 4.3.2 20081105 (Red Hat 4.3.2-7)GCC: (GNU) 4.3.2 20081105 (Red Hat 4.3.2-7)GCC: (GNU) 4.3.2 20081105 (Red Hat 4.3.2-7)GCC: (GNU) 4.3.2 20081105 (Red Hat 4.3.2-7)GCC: (GNU) 4.3.2 20081105 (Red Hat 4.3.2-7)GCC: (GNU) 4.3.2 20081105 (Red Hat 4.3.2-7)GCC: (GNU) 4.3.2 20081105 (Red Hat 4.3.2-7)GCC: (GNU) 4.3.2 20081105 (Red Hat 4.3.2-7)GCC: (GNU) 4.3.2 20081105 (Red Hat 4.3.2-7)GCC: (GNU) 4.3.2 20081105 (Red Hat 4.3.2-7)GCC: (GNU) 4.3.2 20081105 (Red Hat 4.3.2-7)GCC: (GNU) 4.3.2 20081105 (Red Hat 4.3.2-7)GCC: (GNU) 4.3.2 20081105 (Red Hat 4.3.2-7)GCC: (GNU) 4.3.2 20081105 (Red Hat 4.3.2-7)GCC: (GNU) 4.3.2 20081105 (Red Hat 4.3.2-7)GCC: (GNU) 4.3.2 20081105 (Red Hat 4.3.2-7)GCC: (GNU) 4.3.2 20081105 (Red Hat 4.3.2-7)GCC: (GNU) 4.3.2 20081105 (Red Hat 4.3.2-7)GCC: (GNU) 4.3.2 20081105 (Red Hat 4.3.2-7)GCC: (GNU) 4.3.2 20081105 (Red Hat 4.3.2-7).symtab.strtab.shstrtab.interp.note.ABI-tag.note.gnu.build-id.gnu.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rel.dyn.rel.plt.init.text.fini.rodata.eh_frame_hdr.eh_frame.ctors.dtors.jcr.data.rel.ro.dynamic.got.got.plt.data.bss.comment44#HH 1hh$Do\N  V ^oTkohhz H 00 880hh # ^^(n L<$$MPPP  P 88WXXZ@ i ip u sZ  F4Hhh 0 8 h  ^^$ 8 (5 KZ h  tp^ P p  & P @`  H` (P`1`* ?X` Ib` Q`D\`m\yf@g|gi iiiiF&j,j@j5uj j *j<j Oj bj,o k}kk@k$dkkktkk-k k#k'2l Bl R l(]HliNluTl`l*lll+l l l&m m m3Sm Zmm$$m0m<mPm(`n qn  n@n&fnjnpnnnnnn#o   o o,@o0<po M{o ^oqo1o o p&&p*p.pHpPp`p(p p p#p*p-9 q I q'XGq h`q wq q q@ 't, $(;K8`t y@H x xx{ P$'{ 6{ O1{ a={ zI{ T@XO^z  ! :  S  l l       1 d Y C' k9 |R `[ t   Æ   l    `  ,  E ׋^ h r ~  p  + -      P8  0? h* 5 @ ; H A P G X M ` S h Y p _ x e  k  q  w 8 }     \  'y  `@ P(   ) ) `*# `   ( / 7 (? ,G TP 0Z Hf p 4w 8 < @ D         $ LP!08M ,8I 49] B; Rp< ep= w>+ 0? 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