ò(]b 0 )*E3r@@` ޼6uŨP4Q|Pr&GET / HTTP/1.1 User-Agent: Wget/1.15 (linux-gnu) Accept: */* Host: Connection: Keep-Alive (]) NN )*0 E@@W*6u ޼PQ|5P@lHTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden by security policy Content-Length: 18640 Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8 Connection Not Allowed

Connection Not Allowed

You have attempted to connect direct to the Internet - McAfee security policies are changing, and while direct Internet access was allowed in the past, it is not any more - security controls to prevent th(]G NN )*0 E@@W*6u ޼PQ5P@/xis are being rolled out across the company.

All web access from corporate networks must now go via the corporate web proxies, except where an exception has been approved by the infosec team. To request an exception, open a request here.

To configure your system to use the corporate web proxies, there are multiple options. In most situations, you should configure your PC or web browser with the corporate(]O NN )*0 E@@W*6u ޼PQ5P@4 autoproxy configuration file URL:


If a PAC file cannot be used, you can configure a static proxy, but this may lead to reduced peformance. Use static proxy details:

HTTP/HTTPS proxy name: webgateway.itm.mcafee.com
Port: 9090

If you require assistance to configure a proxy, please contact the IT helpdesk here .

If you require technical assistance with the proxies, or need to (]R NN )*0 E@@W*6u ޼PQב5P@arequest an exception to the security policy, please open a ticket here

)];0 )*E@@3 ޼6uŨP W;Pr&GET / HTTP/1.1 User-Agent: Wget/1.15 (linux-gnu) Accept: */* Host: Connection: Keep-Alive )] NN )*0 E@@W*6u ޼P WP@$THTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden by security policy Content-Length: 18640 Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8 Connection Not Allowed
warning-iconConnection Not Allowed

You have attempted to connect direct to the Internet - McAfee security policies are changing, and while direct Internet access was allowed in the past, it is not any more - security controls to prevent th)]4NN )*0 E@@W*6u ޼P WP@Dis are being rolled out across the company.

All web access from corporate networks must now go via the corporate web proxies, except where an exception has been approved by the infosec team. To request an exception, open a request here.

To configure your system to use the corporate web proxies, there are multiple options. In most situations, you should configure your PC or web browser with the corporate)]8NN )*0 E@@W*6u ޼P WP@ autoproxy configuration file URL:


If a PAC file cannot be used, you can configure a static proxy, but this may lead to reduced peformance. Use static proxy details:

HTTP/HTTPS proxy name: webgateway.itm.mcafee.com
Port: 9090

If you require assistance to configure a proxy, please contact the IT helpdesk here .

If you require technical assistance with the proxies, or need to )]=NN )*0 E@@W*6u ޼P WP@request an exception to the security policy, please open a ticket here